At the beginning of this year, I had invitations to speak. But after prayer, I didn’t feel I was to accept them. I had no idea what was coming, but come mid-March, a lot of my hesitation made a lot of sense. March- In the second week of March I was in Virginia Beach helping them with their staff training for their upcoming Discipleship Training School. Shortly after that, I drove to New York to pick up Haydee and Michaella who went there with Haydee’s brother and sister who visited us from the Philippines. They were booked to fly out on March 14 from JFK Airport. News of COVID was breaking and New York was heading into a lockdown, and on March 15 we were driving back to Virginia. Once home we had an English, Language, and Culture (ELC) school starting in YWAM Richmond. We had 21 students flying in from Latin America and Korea. But with all of the chaos only 16 arrived. Not knowing what we were facing we locked down the Base. All flights were canceled, so we ran our ELC right through Lockdown. Our small Filipino church was not ready for online services. I, within a week, built a website and help set up online giving for our church. I had a hand in starting our online services. YWAM Richmond went from feeding 50 households a month to 120. Many lost their jobs in our area. We are still doing our best to help those in our area who are in need. April- I was to travel to Orlando for my Master’s two weeks intensive. That became two weeks on Zoom. May- We hosted the National Day of Prayer online! We had around 500 join us from all around praying for our nation. June- Riots break out in Richmond. We responded by bringing Richmond churches to Lee’s Monument for a Day of Prayer and Worship. It was powerful. Hundreds showed up. Also, our ELC finishes. About half still can’t leave the country. We run a 6-week seminar on Prayer & Counseling. Many of our ELC graduates along with others join. Also, we start going door to door to invite our neighbors to attend our Jesus Gatherings. We saw people came to know Jesus as we went to 2500+ homes. September- We started our first Discipleship Training School in Virginia Beach with 14 students and our Discipleship Bible School in Richmond with 7 students. And we are also started going back to our neighbors to give them Bibles. October- Our next Master’s intensive was to be in Canada, but again it went to Zoom. As for what is coming, /we are going to move soon (same city, different house). More details in our next newsletter. This has been our busiest year we have had for a long time. Between YWAM, working on my Master’s, and helping our church there has been a lot on our plate. Thank you for supporting us through this crazy year. As for all of us, we don't know what next year will look like. But we do know God is faithful and he will make a way. We do ask you to remember us through your year-end-giving. Would you continue your generous support by clicking here? It is with deep appreciation that we thank you for your partnership. Blessings to you and your family as we enter this season of celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Campbell Family Prayer Points - Michaella is graduating High School! Pray as she is deciding where to go for University. Also pray for scholarships, grants, etc. Let us know if you know any that she would qualify for . - YWAM Richmond as we ask God how to move forward with our ever-changing environment. - Dustin as he works on his thesis.
AuthorDustin has been serving as a missionary for 24 years. Here is where he places some of his teaching, thoughts, and updates. Categories
November 2024